Travel/WildlifePuffins in the rain During their breeding season, some 35,000 seabird couples from 12 different species are harboured in the Mingan Archipelago National Park Reserve of C... Astrophotography/TravelTwo trips to Iceland Photos of two express trips to the mythical Viking island, looking for northern lights, which we finally saw in the second trip, from Selfoss. First t... Astrophotography/Black & White/Social Documentary/Travel/WildlifeFleeing North Uno no puede evitar sentirse un poco como un personaje de Jack London, cuando lleva horas y horas de carretera sin asfaltar, sin cruzarse absolutament... TravelManhattan at Night A few night photos in the heart of Manhattan, playing with the bulb mode and long exposure. Travel/WildlifeYellowstone & Grand Teton Album dedicated to photos taken in Yellowstone in March and April 2016. The visited area is the northern section of the park, the road from Gar... TravelFollowing the Colorado River. Some landscapes of the American West Paisajes abiertos de par en par, hacia arriba, hacia abajo, donde corre el viento libre a través de las formaciones de roca del desierto, a través de... Travel/WildlifeGalápagos Experience Album in process, dedicated to the visit of Santa Cruz and Isabela Islands, both belonging to the Galapagos Islands. (more…) Travel/WildlifeSouthern Alaska and Denali Summer trip through southern Alaska and Denali National Park. The first pictures were taken in Kodiak and Katmai (for more pictures of grizzly bears,... Black & White/Social Documentary/TravelExposition Photos: Les Yeux d’Amerique Astrophotography/Black & White/Travel/WildlifeExposition Photos: L’âme de la forêt Cette exposition se concentre sur une sélection de photos de voyages en Alaska, à Yellowstone, dans le nord du Québec et dans les provinces de l'Atlan... Posts pagination 1 2 Next