• Grand Canyon from the air
  • Antelope Canyon, Arizona
  • Grand Canyon from the air
  • Grand Canyon from the air
  • Antelope Canyon, Arizona
  • Grand Canyon from the air
  • Grand Canyon, Arizona.
  • Grand Canyon from the air
  • Antelope Canyon, Arizona
  • Grand Canyon from the air
  • Grand Canyon, Arizona.
  • Grand Canyon from the air
  • Grand Canyon from the air
  • Antelope Canyon, Arizona
  • Grand Canyon, Arizona.
  • Grand Canyon from the air
  • Grand Canyon from the air
  • Antelope Canyon, Arizona
  • Grand Canyon, Arizona.
  • Grand Canyon from the air
  • Grand Canyon, Arizona.
  • Antelope Canyon, Arizona
  • Ranche in Utah, southern section of US Route 89 (US 89)
  • Grand Canyon, Arizona.
  • Antelope Canyon, Arizona
  • Grand Canyon, Arizona.
  • Grand Canyon, Arizona
  • Antelope Canyon, Arizona
  • Grand Canyon, Arizona. All along the watchtower Princess kept the view While all the women came And went bare-foot servants too Outside in the cold distance A wild cat did growl Two riders were approaching And the wind began to howl, hey.
  • Grand Canyon, Arizona.
  • The Colorado River at Horseshoe Bend, Arizona
  • Route 66, Arizona
  • Route 66, Arizona
  • Red Canyon, Utah.
  • Red Canyon, Utah.
  • Ranche in Utah, southern section of US Route 89 (US 89)
  • Panguitch, UT, United States
  • Close to Bryce, Utah.
  • Bryce Canyon
  • Bryce Canyon
  • Bryce Canyon
  • Bryce Canyon
  • Bryce Canyon
  • Bryce Canyon
  • Bryce Canyon
  • Valley of Fire, Nevada
  • Valley of Fire, Nevada
  • Valley of Fire, Nevada

Following the Colorado River. Some landscapes of the American West

Paisajes abiertos de par en par, hacia arriba, hacia abajo, donde corre el viento libre a través de las formaciones de roca del desierto, a través de los hoodoos y de las gargantas rocosas, a través de espacios sin fin que retan la horizontalidad en sus abismos, abriendo la mente y purificando nuestros pequeños seres desde su inmensidad. Piden parar el pensamiento. Inhalar, exhalar. Profundamente, en silencio. Se callan las voces. Y en los altos picos de roca roja, allá arriba, es donde residen los dioses antiguos, los que son verdaderos y reales, aquellos que no mueren ni en los tiempos vacíos del hombre porque son ajenos a él, allá arriba están, salvajes, inalcanzables, donde las sagradas voces de los navajos todavía susurran libres las palabras mágicas, siempre en armonía con la Tierra, más allá de la barbarie ciega y de la sangre cruelmente derramada, allá arriba están, en las rocas, inaccesibles, permanecen llenos de luz, y todavía aúllan en las gargantas de los coyotes. Allá arriba están.


Photos taken during a trip following the course of the Colorado River, from south to north, through the states of Nevada, Arizona, Utah, and also the Navajo Nation in its area of Arizona.

Most of the pictures belong to the Grand Canyon (Arizona), to Bryce Canyon (in Utah, and which is not actually a canyon) and the Antelope Canyon (Arizona). Other few photos were taken during our time on the epic Mother-Road Route 66, through the Valley of Fire in Nevada, and also there are some ranches along the way, especially in the Mormon area of Utah, in the southern section of US Route 89 (US 89) till the southern entrance of Yellowstone National Park, where this album finishes.


Free wind rushing through the desert rock formations, through the hoodoos and the rocky gorges,

through endless open spaces till the horizon, that open the mind and purify our little beings.
High peaks of red rock in which reside the ancient gods, those who are true and real,

those who do not die nor with the empty-times of the man, up there they are,

where the voices of the Navajos still whisper magical words, always in harmony with the Earth,

beyond the blind barbarism and the spilled blood,

they stay full of light, and still they howl with the coyotes.

up there they are.


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